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A fast and almost stealthy photo shot for a long story.

In Milan the weather is now warm, birds sing, green is back covering the city, flowers blooming in thousands of colours. While I was walking, during one of these sunny days, I saw in front of me this old couple and I thought “Damn! I don’t have my camera”. But I didn’t give up and, fast as in a western movie, I drew out the mobile phone from my pocket. The photo in itself, I know, is not that great. I had to zoom a bit because I left some stuff on the floor that couldn’t be left unguarded while searching the perfect photo. As they say, I did the best that I could. What impressed me about this old couple is the tenderness of the way they were holding their hands and helping each other. Old people are often seen, fortunately not from everybody, as a weight. Yet they are holding a very long experience. In that tenderness I saw something that is getting lost. Far from mythicizing different ages, because I know that each historical period had pros and cons and the pros of nowadays are a lot. Yet I started thinking about all that friends’ of mine relationships, literally went to the dogs and one interview came to my mind. The interviewer asked to this very old happy married couple which was the secret of their love and how they were able to keep it alive for an entire lifetime. The answer was: “You know, we grow up in a period where there was not so much fun around and so we got used to appreciate the true value of the things we had. When there was a problem we were not throwing away after a second what we had but we were doing the effort to fix it”.

© Franconiphotos – All rights reseverd.

