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Here they fought! In the Great War places


“Here they fought! In the Great War places” is the evocative title of the photographic reportage made by Alessio Franconi, enclosed in this book.
A photographic book that traces the First World War’s battlefields through touching and evocative black and white photos.

It is a journey that starts from the Alps from the Karst up to the Stelvio mountain. Then it continues towards the Carpathian Mountains. Mountains that enclose the places pf the old Russian front where incredible battles where fought. Photographic explorations often undertaken in prohibitive climatic conditions to show the maximum effort suffered by the soldiers.

The book is an absolute novelty in the photographic panorama. It begins with a historical introduction followed by the entire reportage. It is full of anecdotes and curiosities told by the author, accompanying the reader, photograph after photograph, along this exploration journey. The last chapter of the book contains a set of maps showing where the photos were taken.

“It stands out for its undoubted artistic value. All in all it’s a very good service rendered to the cause of historical memory”
Antonio Carioti – Corriere della Sera.

“Rare editorial and graphic capabilities and, above all, emotional qualities to create an often intimate reinterpretation”
Maurizio Brescia – Military History.

the book

It was awarded the national prize “Alpini Sempre”.

Pages: 160
Publisher: Ulrico Hoepli
ISBN: 978-8820380786

“Here they fought! In the Great War places” is the result of the author’s explorations. The background of this book are the photographic exhibitions of the Author. Exhibition that are an international affirmed success. The book collects the entire reportage dedicated to the Alps together with the Carpathian Mountains’ one.

Where to find it

The book can be purchased in the best bookstores and on the main online portals.
Hoepli Library